USA Company Formation

What Is an LLC?

An LLC (Limited Liability Company), is a business entity type that allows business owners to take advantage of the taxation of a sole proprietorship and the liability of a corporation. LLCs are complicated, but with a team like us at your side, you’ll be able to navigate the complexities of starting a business with ease. Let’s start by breaking it down. As it simplifies the tax process while separating your business’ assets, debts, and liabilities from your own. This means you won’t be held individually liable for company debts or other responsibilities, but can still enjoy the ease of merging your business profits with your personal income for tax purposes.

Is Starting an LLC Right for You?

Choosing the right type of entity for your business is important; as it will determine the rules and regulations, you are bound to as well as how your company is taxed. But what types of businesses are the best fit for a limited liability company? Businesses that should choose an LLC include sole or multi-member companies whose owners are looking to protect their personal assets and pay less in taxes than they would as a C-corp. At 3Companion, we see all sizes and types of businesses forming LLCs from real estate agents, financial advisors, coffee shops and food trucks to solopreneurs such as personal trainers, bloggers, authors, influencers or even marijuana businesses. Home-based businesses also make a great fit for LLCs and have seen a big boom in recent years.

Who Shouldn’t Form an LLC?

Businesses that cannot form an LLC include financial institutions such as banks, financial trusts or insurance companies, due to federal regulations. LLCs are sometimes limited for industries in certain states, too. For example, in CALIFORNIA, architects, accountants and health care providers cannot form an LLC.

Check out specific LLC formation by State for more details for your location.

Start your Business with Confidence

Pricing Calculator
Price not available START

LLC Formation Includes Following Features

Also, we provide 1 Year support on below all


$ 600
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 600
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 425
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 375
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 350
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 499
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 430
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 500
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 475
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 550
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 550
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 900
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 500
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 470
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 800
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

New Hampshire

$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

New Jersey

$ 475
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

New Mexico

$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

New York

$ 550
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

North Carolina

$ 475
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

North Dakota

$ 485
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 485
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

Rhode Island

$ 500
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

South Carolina

$ 480
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

South Dakota

$ 500
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 650
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 649
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 400
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 475
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 550
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

Washington DC

$ 450
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

West Virginia

$ 475
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 475
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support


$ 399
  • LLC Registration
  • Standard EIN
  • Unique Address
  • 1 Year support

UK Ltd.

$ 250
  • Ltd Registration
  • Registered Address
  • Director address
  • 1 Year support
State Charges State Charges
Alabama $600 Alaska $600
Arizona $425 Arkansas $400
California $375 Colorado $350
Connecticut $450 Delaware $450
Florida 499 Georgia $430
Hawaii $400 Idaho $450
Illinois $500 Indiana $450
Iowa $400 Kansas $475
Kentucky $400 Louisiana $450
Maine $550 Maryland $550
Massachusetts $900 Michigan $400
Minnesota $500 Mississippi $400
Missouri $400 Montana $470
Nebraska $450 Nevada $800
New Hampshire $450 New Jersey $475
New Mexico $400 New York $550
North Carolina $475 North Dakota $485
Ohio $450 Oklahoma $450
Oregon $450 Pennsylvania $485
Rhode Island $500 South Carolina $480
South Dakota $500 Tennessee $650
Texas $649 Utah $400
Vermont $475 Virginia $450
Washington $550 Washington DC $450
West Virginia $475 Wisconsin $475
Wyoming $399 UK LTD £200

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